Saturday, September 18, 2021

Jurors in NSW must be vaccinated, AG Speakman says if you receive a jury summons answer it vaccinated or not, but Speakman dare not say that the non-vaccinated are likely to be denied entry to court: Premier in waiting is a politician first, lawyer second, and it is confusing him

 by Ganesh Sahathevan

The much awaited information on whether NSW will require jurors to be vaccinated has been answered, in a manner of speaking, by  Attorney General Mark Speakman SC in this tweet: 


The relevant part from the document tweeted, a directive          from the Chief Judge, NSW Supreme Court, states: 


Note that Speakman's post does not say anything about the fate that awaits those who are called for jury duty but are not vaccinated.

Given the Chief Judge's directive non-vaccinated persons are likely

to be turned away at the doors.The consequences of then not answering a jury summons have been left unsaid. 

Speakman is considered a potential replacement for Gladys Berejiklian as premeir of NSW, and it is clear that he has (again) let his politics interfere with his duties as the state's most senior law officer.


Will NSW judges be forced to get jabbed, and will it be a case of no jab, no jury duty ? AG NSW Mark Speakman remains silent about his own portfolio, while threatening everyone else with loss of income if they are not vaccinated.

by Ganesh Sahathevan

The Attorney General NSW, Mark Speakman SC has still not said if jurors will be excluded from even presenting for jury duty if they are not vaccinated. Given vaccination passport rules that are to be introduced in NSW, no one but the vaccinated will have rights to "freedoms" defined and enforced by the state.

This raises interesting legal questions for, among others, those who are ordered to present themselves for jury duty. It also raises the question of whether judges, clerks, barristers and solicitors would be denied entry to courtrooms of they do not have the necessary vaccine passport.

Court rooms in NSW are often in buildings which are enclosed,  have poor air circulation, and thus high risk with regards COVID contagion.  

As reported below, Speakman has been happy to require tradesmen who work outdoors to be vaccinated if they want to work. His silence with regards workers and others under his own portfolio is not what one expects of the state's most senior legal officer.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Will NSW AG Mark "Double Vaxxed" Speakman SC require jurors to be vaccinated; and what about judges, barristers, solicitors?

by Ganesh Sahathevan

The Attorney General Of NSW, Mark Speakman SC, who has changed his Twitter handle to "Mark Speakman Double Vaxxed" tweeted in support of tradies and construction workers being forced to be vaccinated if they wanted to work:

In doing so Speakman completely disregarded the not so small matter of informed consent, and the fact that anyone who is vaccinated in Australia must first sign a Commonwealth Vaccination Consent form.

Mr Speakman is himself the minister in charge of a collection of very large workspaces. Those workspaces are of course the court rooms of NSW which unlike construction sites, are usually enclosed. Being enclosed the probability of COVID transmission is much greater and therefore justification for a "no-jab no entry" policy for courtrooms is even greater.

It is left to be seen whether Speakman is going to insist that NSW's judges, barristers and solicitors be vaccinated if they want to attend to matters in court.

Then there is the problem of jurors.Jury duty is compulsory but how is an unvaccinated person going to present himself or herself in court when summoned, if a "no-jab no entry" policy is enforced in NSW courtrooms? And if courtrooms are to be exempted, then why not construction sites where the risk of COVID contagion is far less?


August 19, 2021

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